Dreamweaver: An uprising quelled

It was like a dream, floating all around him remnants of his friends, it happened so fast. One moment they were sitting strategizing their next move in their quest for freedom from the elder tribes. The next moment, High King Kel appeared, not as man but as beast. In the bat of an eye, he destroyed everything they built, everyone he was close to, every man that shared his vision of a free eastern lands now lay sprawled before him. Embers of flesh floated in the air much as droplets of frozen rain. Everyone gone, why am I still here. 

“You will be an example,” said the high king, “ I will show those who dare to question our rule what happens when you betray the throne of Starene,” Kel glared as he inclined closer to the rebel leader. 

“It doesn’t matter if you kill me, thousands more to take my place. You cannot stop this,” The leader spat defiantly. 

The smell of burning flesh penetrated the silence, the heat of the fire warmed his skin, he loved the afterglow of death, the blood droplets frozen in time gave him life invigorated him fueled is rage, his cruelty. Hoovering closer to the man suspended in time, he looked deeply into his eyes and caught a glance at every person he convinced to join his futile rebellion. 

“Yes,” he snarled, “that’s why it will be you who enforces the purification.” 

Satisfaction consumed him as he saw the realization of what he just said change the man’s stance from defiance to horror. “You understand now don’t you,” Kel said.  With a wave of his hand the man was sent to the dungeons of Starene. 

She ran her fingers along the cold stone walls as she passed the halls of the citadel. Something is not right; I can feel it. There was something in the air, the spells weren’t lasting as they once did and she was wracking her brain trying to determine what the problem. The last time her strength waned like this the queen was in possession of the ancient tablets. But that couldn’t be it, could it? Could Hanan be regaining her strength. If Kel were to come in possession of those tablets that would be the end, the prophesy would be fulfilled, and she would have failed at her mission. But that’s not what’s happening. 

“Rowan,” a distant voice called. Running to catch up to the High Priestess Raven was nearly out of breath. 

“Calm down Raven, whatever it is it can’t be as bad as you think, catch your breath,” she said. 

“Its Alyssia,” Raven said.

“Alyssia?” she questions. Oh no, she wouldn’t risk contact unless, Rowan thought.

“Rowan?” Raven questioned.

Lost in thought she forgot raven was standing there waiting for a response. With a deep sigh, she knew what Alyssia was going to report. How could this happen, she thought, never mind that, what can she possibly do to stop the queen. 

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