
“Why are you still up?” the old woman barked. This child never sleeps when she should, Lord Embaur is gonna be furious. Why is this child still up? She makes this so much harder than it has to be.

“Can’t sleep,” she said.

“Oh, you need help getting back to sleep?” the old woman asked.

“No, I always go back to the same dream. I’m up cause I don’t want to go back to that dream, it sucked. I thought if I walk around for a little bit I’ll forget the dream and when I do go back to sleep, I won’t go back to that dream. But it doesn’t matter, either way, tomorrow is gonna be a long day,“ she replied.

“hmm,” the old woman said.

“Well, usually when I wake up I’m exhausted,” she said.

“Exhausted?” the old woman asked.

“Yes, my dreams always seem so real. I always dream about the same place. everyone in the dream seems as real as you and I. Crazy huh,” She replied.

“You always dream of the same place?” the old woman asked.

“Yes,” she sighed in exasperation. “When I go to sleep, I go somewhere that feels just as real as this feels right now. I live out another life, when I wake up it feels like my body is tired from everything I did in the dream. I don’t understand it, I wake up so exhausted,” she said, ” Lately my dreams have been darker, there’s someone looking for me. Its a man, but I can never remember his name or face. I just know if he finds me he’ll kill me. But its only a dream, its not like its real,” she replied.

“How long has this been going on?” the old lady asked.

“The dreams? Well I’ve always dreamt of this place, but it used to be fun, now not so much. ,” she replied.

“Have you told your mom about these dreams?” she asked.

“No” she replied.

“Good, don’t tell her,” She said.

“Why?” the young girl asked.

“Just don’t,” the old woman said sharply.

“Ok, ok grandma I won’t. But what does it matter if I tell her, it’s just a dream.” The young woman said.

“Swear you won’t tell a soul about these dreams. Swear it.” The old woman ordered.

“Ok,” she said.

“This is serious” the old woman pleaded.

‘Ok, I swear I won’t say a word. What’s this about, its just a dream why can’t I tell mom?” she asked.

“Because baby, those aren’t dreams and that’s not your mother,” said the old woman, “and I’m not your grandmother.”

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