Surf and Sand

Once every blue moon I catch that “lets hop in the car and see where we end up,” bug and today we had quite the adventure! Every morning I get the weather report from my daughter and today she reported there would be rain starting around 9:00 am and would continue for about an hour then we’d have bright sunny skies. Well, like most weather people she was wrong, the sky was overcast and there was a warm breeze so I figured today would be the perfect day to head on over to the tide pools. This is one of my favorite hangouts its perfect for watching the waves crash against the rocky shore, stumbling though rocks and sea life in search of interesting  seashells and generally spending quality time with my #1 girl.  So with Sanaa, my daughter,  in tow we made the quick stint over the bridge and so began our adventure!

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Our trip to what we call “The Rocks” normally goes like this, pay the fee to park, walk past the picnic area, scan all the rocks for our favorites, and finally see how far mommy can go before she’s soaked by a crashing wave. Then there is the trek back to the car, making my way back to the path without twisting an ankle is a feat unto itself but this is the extent of my stress on a Saturday. I’ll say done and done, except this time things didn’t go as planned, per se. Today a storm was on its way so when we arrived at the tide pools we found an overcast sky, high level of humidity, and fate of fates  a dreaded high tide. Undeterred we proceeded on with the task at hand, collect rocks find some seashells and have a smashing time.

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As I said earlier we like to look and see what’s around the rocks. We’re mainly looking for intact sea shells and of course new additions to Sanaa’s rock collection. Today did not disappoint, as I was exploring the lay of the land I stumbled upon what I thought might be an intact conch shell, however, upon closer examination it turned out to be a lobster shell the seagulls discarded.

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Not only were there lobster carcasses laying about but someone left what looks to me like a rusty old crab pot. Its amazing I even know what a crab pot looks like since the last time I went fishing I was living in Washington state and oh yes it was about 10 years ago, but I digress.

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At this time the sun is beaming I’m sweating and close to an asthma attack because of the humidity so our stay at the pools has come to an end. Never mind that by this point my little bundle of joy is reminding me that I promised her we’d get her some new shoes. So here she is taking stock of her booty and highly pleased with her selections.


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